Weidenhamer Paintings

Contact the Artist
You may call anytime 9 am to 8 pm seven days a week or send your query via email to artist@weidenhamer.com
Weidenhamer paintings have become more valuable as the years of experience and expertise by the artist grows. Actually, the value is set by a good old American tradition – supply and demand. It is surely the most accurate measure of the worth of these works.
Each year about twenty-four collectors, over thirteen hundred in the last fifty-five years, are willing to acquire one of the paintings Mr. Weidenhamer has created. Today that is about the maximum number of paintings that he can accomplished annually.
There is no better opportunity to collect John Weidenhamer’s paintings than right now. The next time you see them, acquisition of one of these fine works will, most likely, cost more.
The artist is available for interview by telephone or in person between 8 am and 8 pm, six days a week. If your call is not immediately answered, your call will be returned promptly. The studio is closed some days due to travel to make new drawings.